_______________________________________________(Lene ter Haar)
Showing work by: ECB Hendrik Beikirch - Bill Blast - Bitucas - Blade - Anne-Lise Coste - Crash - Boris Tellegen/Delta - Dran - Dondi White - Dr. Rat - Ekundayo - Enes - Erosie - Fafi - Futura 2000 - Pierre Galic - Barry McGee - Os Gemeos - Harald Naegeli - Herakut - Honet - Jesic - Koor - Philipp König - Lady Pink - Dave de Leeuw - Loomit - Peter Michalski - Mozes & Taps - Noc 167 - Phase 2 - Quik - Rammellzee - Roa - Seen - Shoe - Collin van der Sluijs - Swoon - The Dulk - Christine Würmell - Won ABC - Zedz - Zephyr - Agit
With photos by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant
The Show:____d'RAW - International Drawing Showcase
____________11.09.2009 - 01.11.2009
____________Schunck* Heerlen/The Netherlands
Catalogue:___ d'RAW - International Drawing Showcase
____________contemporary / art / graffiti
___________ ISBN: 97890-813750-8-5
Special______Won ABC
Performance:__Live painting